
  • Yasemin Arhan Modéer
    CEO/ Principal Owner
    +46 (0)70 992 80 48
    This woman gets things done! Strategic mindset – and down to business. Superpower: sees unexpected business constellations that open up for novelty and exciting cooperations. Moderator and project manager with an eye for the larger perspective. Bonus: Former eventing rider.
  • Sofie Granath
    Project manager / Partner
    +46 (0)707 41 21 99
    Manages the 10 meeting rooms at STUDIO Meetingpoint. Has great coordinating skills – she will juggle all the details of any event, big or small. Altitude´s food expert. Follow @sofiesbord on Instagram! Bonus: Won third place in the Swedish version of MasterChef 2016.
  • Amelie Rönngard
    Project manager / Partner
    +46 (0)708 77 15 97
    An experienced and committed event planner with a sense of details. Internal meetings or large scale science conferences – this structure-oriented woman will get you through and have your back from start to finish. Bonus: Anyone up for a game of tennis? Amelie has played since childhood and is a passionate tennis player.
  • Anders Mildner
    Content and communication manager / Partner
    +46 (0)733 12 03 98
    Creates exciting content for our meetings as well as yours. Main responsible person for Altitude’s communication, and with 20 years of working as a journalist behind him. Will moderate any event and lead your workshop with a firm hand. Takes an interest in fake news and populism! Loves to share his thoughts on this and give talks on this topic. Asked for speaker coach – gives your speakers useful tips on how to act in front of an audience. Bonus: Has written a book about sound.
  • Aylin Daut
    Project manager
    +46 (0)72 029 93 86
    Runs integration, diversity, culture, school, and community-related projects. Experienced in working with kids and teenagers, and has a large network within this area. A true community builder! Project leads digital meetings and conferences. Bonus: Altitude's most spiritual coworker. Stones, horoscopes and energies – Aylin will guide you through this parallel universe!
  • Calle Håkansson
    Project manager/ Sales
    +46 (0)734 24 10 34
    A highly skilled networker – connects with old and new customers and partners! Solid background from the banking area. Calle is the one to contact about our courses, talks, breakfast meetings, and other collaborations. Perhaps a joined effort will make your business proposal get real? Bonus: Dedicated MFF supporter who never miss out on a game.
  • Sissela Arkander
    Community Manager / STUDIO
    +46 (0)702 52 50 20
    Creates meetings between people and builds a community for the best workplace in Malmö - STUDIO. Project manages both internal and external conferences. In-house as well as abroad. Has a background in TV and computers. Passionate about health questions and well-being, where one of the ground pillars is daily exercise. Bonus: Bonus: Makes a Crème brûlée to die for!
  • Ulrika Hjerpe
    Project manager
    +46 (0)707 83 37 47
    Main focus on STUDIO and STUDIO Meetingpoint. Plans and coordinates our clients’ meetings and events. Well-documented customer handling experience from several fields – both business-oriented and large scale public events. Bonus: Has her own ceramics studio where she lets her creativity loose in her spare time.
  • Jonas Klevhag
    Business developer/ Process manager
    +46 (0)703 12 30 64
    Runs business developing collaborations within the Bridge Forum and Öresund Future Hub. Juggles with business models and future scenarios. Superpower: puts the pieces together in more than one way, thus creating many possible outcomes. Frequently asked for moderator and speaker. Bonus: Makes the best sourdough cinnamon buns in this part of Sweden.
  • My Koskinen
    Project manager
    + 46 (0)733 76 35 06
    Manages projects connected to STUDIO Meetingpoint. A true doer with an eye for the details that will make your experience something extra. The one to contact about a booking! Communicates through Altitude’s and STUDIO’s social media. Bonus: A Harry Potter fan and former air stewardess who had to quit due to motion sickness.
  • Abdi

    Altitude's newcomer. Takes portraits, and photographs or makes videos from your event or meeting.

  • Clara Ohlsson
    + 46 (0) 709 57 29 87
    A graphic content creator who easily creates content with both text and photo, combining the two in an eye-catching way. Manages short deadlines and quickly adapts to changes. Bonus: Has worked with theatre and acting, especially involving kids and young adults. Interested in communication trends and collects tiny ice bears.
  • Rebecka Beslic
    Community Manager/ STUDIO
    + 46 (0)730 83 50 78
    In charge of STUDIO’s reception and supports STUDIO’s tenants. Content creator for STUDIO’s newsletter and coordinator for STUDIO and Studio Meetingpoint events. Highly skilled in digital facilitating. Get in touch and she will help out with your meeting or a bigger event. Bonus: Rebecka knows about all there is to know about popular culture – test her skills the next time you see her!
  • Hani Warsame
    Conference hostess and receptionist
    +46 (0)72-047 60 24
    You will find Hani in the reception or STUDIO Meetingpoint – always ready to take care of visitors and guests in the best way possible. Experience from the service and conference sector. Always spreading joy and positivity! Eager to motivate and inspire the people surrounding her, especially young adults with low self-esteem. Bonus: Loves dancing and takes every opportunity to show some moves!